
Fitnesspreneur's Life

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Fitnesspreneur's Life





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Sep 29, 2015

The final step in my Value Ladder series deals with taking the concepts behind the previous steps and applying them to working with groups of fellow trainers.


When we look at top dollar income, it’s all about reaching the most number of people. All of the steps leading up to this have explained how to do that very thing.


Feeder programs, automation, scaling, nutrition programs, online coaching, and specialty programs are all about getting the message out there. More people means more income naturally.


These last two parts of the final step show you how these principles can be applied to the Value Ladder itself. Instead of focusing on a specific program or info product, we turn the Ladder itself into the message and reach even more people exponentially worldwide.




My message all along has been to broaden your scope. The internet allows us to take our programs and training to every corner of the globe.


There is a value in this lesson and now here’s your chance to turn the message itself into a money-making opportunity. Because you’re unlocking their potential to make top dollar and reach millions, this message has a huge value.


The key is to notice how a trainer is doing their program and help them scale and automate it.


Packages can include creating different levels of the same program. With only a few people a month, you can create six-figures for trainers. 


Show them how and make money from that.




Some of the most hungry and ambitious people I’ve ever met are fitness professionals. But because they’re locked into that limiting modality of thinking, they can’t see what their services are truly worth.


My Legacy Builders program helps these people become independent by creating a business where the revenue streams support one another. They prop each other up and deflect any turmoil that the market may bring.


It’s the concept in finance that people call diversification. It doesn’t matter what happens to one thing because there’s safety in numbers. And showing this to fit pros can save their lives, families and businesses.


I’ve taken many people from the price they were charging to unimaginable heights. 


Remember way back when when you barely got by and depended wholly on one-on-one training? Those days are gone and you’re heading for success!


It’s how I did it and you can, too!


Sep 29, 2015

The final step in my Value Ladder series deals with taking the concepts behind the previous steps and applying them to working with groups of fellow trainers.

When we look at top dollar income, it’s all about reaching the most number of people. All of the steps leading up to this have explained how to do that very thing.

Get the full article and the worksheet for this episode:

Feeder programs, automation, scaling, nutrition programs, online coaching, and specialty programs are all about getting the message out there. More people means more income naturally.

These last two parts of the final step show you how these principles can be applied to the Value Ladder itself. Instead of focusing on a specific program or info product, we turn the Ladder itself into the message and reach even more people exponentially worldwide.



My message all along has been to broaden your scope. The internet allows us to take our programs and training to every corner of the globe.

There is a value in this lesson and now here’s your chance to turn the message itself into a money-making opportunity. Because you’re unlocking their potential to make top dollar and reach millions, this message has a huge value.

The key is to notice how a trainer is doing their program and help them scale and automate it.

Packages can include creating different levels of the same program. With only a few people a month, you can create six-figures for trainers. 

Show them how and make money from that.



Some of the most hungry and ambitious people I’ve ever met are fitness professionals. But because they’re locked into that limiting modality of thinking, they can’t see what their services are truly worth.

My Legacy Builders program helps these people become independent by creating a business where the revenue streams support one another. They prop each other up and deflect any turmoil that the market may bring.

It’s the concept in finance that people call diversification. It doesn’t matter what happens to one thing because there’s safety in numbers. And showing this to fit pros can save their lives, families and businesses.

I’ve taken many people from the price they were charging to unimaginable heights. 

Remember way back when when you barely got by and depended wholly on one-on-one training? Those days are gone and you’re heading for success!

It’s how I did it and you can, too!


Sep 22, 2015

Adding value to your services on the way to earning a top dollar income means coming to grips with the fact that your clients are on the go.


In order to stand out and provide value to them, especially when you’re not there to guide them, means adding programs that respond directly to what they need.


Get the worksheet for this episode:


Here are some more ways to lose the old mentality of trading hours for dollars and get on the path to making what you deserve.




Fitness professionals can diagnose and prescribe anything to our clients. But what we can is help them manage their relationships to food.


Anything that has to do with behavior is fair game. And as you get to know your members, you’ll see what there habits are and what needs adjusting.


Do your research and find the products that align with your philosophy. Integrate those products into your programs and the right results will follow.


Oh, and if you’re one of these trainers that doesn’t do nutrition coaching because you think it’s not your thing, then you’re letting money walk out the door. Is losing money your thing, then?




You can’t expect your clients to be in the gym, on the floor, by your side, all the time. You don’t want that either (remember, working hourly is limiting!).


So create programs that your clients can utilize on their own time. This can include Facebook groups, videos on YouTube or any other program that you can think of.


Once you set it up, you don’t have to keep doing it. You just collect money with each new member that uses it.


The future is technology. Embrace it!




You’ve a ton of knowledge swimming around in your brain and an infinite number of ways to use it with specialty programs.


These are programs you set up to help the various demographic groups that form your customer base.


Runners, new moms, anyone trying to lose weight after the holidays…these can all be groups that you tailor your programs towards.



They create a feeling of exclusivity and underscore the fact that you’re constantly providing ever-evolving value to your customers. The results they get will keep them hungry for more and that’s great news for your business!


Sep 15, 2015

Step Two of the Value Ladder that I’ve developed to help you earn top dollar is where you keep your customers moving along the programs that are going to transform their lives.


The traditional models of training don’t work if you want to build wealth. One-on-one sessions are inherently limited. Shaking off these old ways is essential if you want to live the Fitnesspreneur life.


Follow these steps if stability is what you truly want.


Help the Transformation


Your ability to make money is directly linked to your ability to articulate to your customers how transformative your programs are.


With so many types of fitness services, you’ll need to speak specifically to what your clients’ needs are.


Everyone wants to be better. Be clear about your ability to get them there.


Have a young athlete? Point out how you can help them land scholarships. A mom just gave birth? You are the one to help her lose the pregnancy weight and strengthen the specific muscles she’ll need.


Your ability to convey specific solutions is key.


30, Not 60


Cutting a session down to thirty minutes takes away two excuses: time and cost. That’s a great deal any way you slice it.


A hour is long time to go without making much money. Cut the amount of time you’re working in half, reduce the price, and increase how many people you train.


So let’s say you used to earn $250 in one hour with one client. Cut that down to 30 minutes, charge $50 and make it a group class. Now six clients nets you $300 in half an hour. Do the other thirty minutes, and you’ve got $600!


By switching over to a 30 minute group class, you’ll be able to not only develop a pool of dedicated customers that know the value that you’re bringing into their lives. But you’ll also be able to break them off into feeder programs that target the help they need.


Feed the Feeders


Once you’re communicating with your clients just how valuable you are, it’s time to retain them by continuing to provide value in their lives. Think of how you can further break off the clients from your sessions into groups whose members have the same needs.


Have three programs ready and articulate how these programs will take them exactly to where they need to be. Again, paint that picture for them of a life with increased productivity at work or without neck pain. The richer the detail, the more they are likely to buy.



And then provide that value. You’ve developed a great relationship that will only get better as your clients’ lives do.


Sep 8, 2015

How can you make top dollars as a fitness professional? You’ll need to stop tying your future to two popular, but limited factors, and get on board with the only one you can control. 




Did I miss something? Did someone add more hours to the day? No?

Then why are so many trainers still doing one on one sessions and then wondering why they don’t get anywhere.

Forget that there’s only twenty-four hours in a day. You’re not even working all twenty-four. But what happens if you get sick? Or maybe your client goes on vacation. There’s a million things that will stop your income cold when you rely on hours for a paycheck. 

That’s not smart.



Your fees have ceilings. I don’t care how good you are, you are only going to make so much money.

More training, more specialties, doesn’t matter. You’ll top off at $200 or $300. Then what?

Forget what you think other people make per hour. That is no way to build wealth.



Your best hope is to develop what I call a value ladder. This is a sequential series of programs that your clients can hop on and off they go. 

I learned this principle from a mentor of mine. He was charging $100,000 for a sales letter. One letter!

But people paid this because of the life-long benefits that the letter provided. They spent $100K but had the potential to reap millions from it.

You’re no different. Instead of seeing your client as someone who comes in for sessions, think of them as a bunch of problems that need solving. Link the solutions that you provide to larger benefits for them.

You’re basically there to help bring about a better version of themselves. You can’t put a value or price on that!

So get programs ready that will address the most common problems and have more programs to follow-up with.

That first step onto the value ladder is the most important one you and your customers will ever take.