
Fitnesspreneur's Life

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Fitnesspreneur's Life





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Now displaying: September, 2016
Sep 13, 2016

The human being craves freedom. So why then are so many of us stuck with jobs that feel like a ball and chain?


It’s because we believe that time is money and that we should be rewarded for all the hours we work.


Work smarter, not harder. And find the right career that gives you these five essential freedoms.


1) Time Freedom


The clock itself is broken. It’s only got 24 hours in it.


If you don’t maximize those hours, you lose the potential for making money.


The stars have to align to get paid. You and the client have to be there together. Your schedule may not work. Their schedule sometimes goes out the window.


This is no way to live!


Find time freedom by working in something that you control, not the other way around.




2) Location Freedom


We are will still doing business like we did a hundred years ago?


It used to be that location mattered. Foot traffic determined how much income your business generated.


The problem of course is that now there’s a gym and studio everywhere! Parks are being overrun by boot camps!


Wanna stand out? Go global! 


Free yourself from the shackles of geography. Let others fight for a finite amount of customers.


The world is your marketplace!



3) People Freedom


If you love your employees and co-workers, congrats. But a lot of times the people we work with can be a little uninspiring. 


That’s because you don’t have the best of the best working alongside you. You have the people that can commute or that are doing this job because it’s convenient. 


Don’t you want specialists who want to succeed as much as you do? What if they’re far away?


So what! You can now bring anyone from around the world to you in an instant when you automate your business.


You now have the freedom to work with the people you want, not just the people you have near you.



4) Financial Freedom


Does this sound like you? The modern person living in today’s world is living in a hamster wheel, always turning, going nowhere.


I’ve seen so many fit pros struggle with finances because they’re not making any serious money and they don’t know how to turn what they do into larger earnings.


Having absolutely no financial freedom can seem like being stuck. You’re go, go, going in that hamster wheel but getting nowhere.


Starting a business or striking out is hard work. And if you’re not savvy enough to stay afloat, you’ll become like the millions of fit pros who have gone underwater.


Don’t be a statistic. Find a way to get the financial freedom you and your family deserve.


5) Purpose Freedom


This one is as big as it gets. Simply put, what is the purpose of your life and does your business allow you to achieve it?


We all have a purpose. From big reasons to little reasons, you are meant to do something.


So why waste time doing something that doesn’t get you to that?


Isn’t life short enough?

Sep 5, 2016

“You can build a dream in just 15 minutes.” – Craig Ballantyne


The above quote is just one of the many nuggets that I took away from my latest interview with Craig Ballantyne, productivity guru, editor of Early to Rise and Fitnesspreneur, when he came on The Fitnesspreneur’s Life Show podcast and after reading his book, The Perfect Day Formula.


If you want to have the future you desire, you’ll make the time now.


Focus and productivity all start with the night before.


Craig teaches us how to deal with random and instead turn it into focus.


The system that Craig puts forth is a framework that can get anyone to work on their top priority project. 


1 - Start the Night Before… and then Keep Going.


At the end of every workday, Craig does a brain dump.  


He writes down everything that he needs to do the next day.  


Then, he prioritizes his list so that he doesn’t spend the precious moments of the next day wasting time.  


Then, he spends the first fifteen minutes of every day focused on his top priority- nothing else.



2 -  Control your Life. Set up Rules.



Little by little, you can set Rules of Life that encompass all the things you value.


You want more health?


Create rules of life that control your health like, “I won’t eat 3 hours before bed.”


You want more wealth?


Create a rule of life that says, “I will spend 15 minutes every morning working my top priority.”


Just taking the time to think about what you value most, and creating rules of life and you will find yourself gaining control of your choices.



3 – Push Past Your Comfort Zone.


Whether it’s physical work, like losing weight, or creating your brand, success all happens all in the mind.


It’s going to require you to move beyond your normal routine and find out what you’re made of.



You become more comfortable with being uncomfortable by developing your skills, getting a coach, and putting yourself in the environment of people who are willing to challenge you! 



4 – Put Your Ego Aside.


Pushing that comfort zone means you need to be able to take criticism. 


If you’re looking for non-stop praise and people to blow sunshine up your you-know-what, then you’re not looking to make a change.


Analyze what you’re doing, and be honest with yourself. It may not feel good, but it’s truly necessary.




5 – Be Descriptive in Your Life Plan.


Ambiguous goals get ambiguous results.


Whatever the goal is, be specific and clear.  


Make sure you can smell it, feel it, and breathe it.  Then you are on the right path to making it a reality.


What you can control is your destination and the rewards that await you. 



6- Live a Life by Design, Structure Creates Freedom.


We need more structure to have more freedom.


This is why we have rules, laws and agreements. They give us all the opportunity for a safe, happy life.


It’s the lack of structure with our days and our plans for success that have led us to missing the mark in our lives.